Friday, May 14, 2010

We celebrated Doyle's 17th birthday last night at City Hall.
And after that we went towning for a while. I miss the pretty city night lights, i feel as though i've already lost my social life.

Today's the Pink Dot event for 2010!
I had planned earlier a few weeks ago to go for it, since it's my pi. But somehow, i totally forgot about it. :(

Alright, i've a gazillion work to do.
Write a poem (again!), lit notes, bio tutorial corrections, geog tutotial and essay outline, econs reflections and concept maps and worse of all GPP.
And i've a bio test on monday and i only have 2 days to study for it!! My bio notes are like one and a half times of my bio textbook last year la. How to cramp everything into my brainnnnnn! >:(
GPP Presentation is on monday and Mr Loh only told us about it like yesterday after school. How to chionggggggggggg. >:(
Now, i've got to rush out of my house to meet chee sheng to discuss about GPP.

I feel like i'm in sec4 again.
I sleep in the wee hours of the morning and get up really early the next day to study.
I think i wasn't even THAT hardworking last year.

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