Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. ;)
But there's an econs test tomorrow! :(
I woke up late for school today. :(
Lit test today was horrible. :(
Although we're FINALLY done with PI, but now there's GPP. :(
Luckily, this week is finally going to be over!!

I had 2 ice cream treats yesterday.
One from shaun and one from clara.
Wow, 2 ice creams. So much for going on a diet uh!

I just came back from a studying session at serangoon central macs.
Hee hee, i saw cheryl tan and tania there.

Alright, got to choke down my dinner and hurry back to my econs before rushing to sleep or i might get up late for school again! :( Btw, did i mention i reached school at 8.20am today? And school starts at 7.40am, amazing uhhhhhhhhhh.

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