Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I shall spend 5 minutes typing this before going back to my books!
As sick as it sounds, my legs hurt so much that i can't even sit on the toilet bowl without feeling the pain. Gosh, can't imagine how i'm gonna run 2.4 tomorrow.

Hee hee, i love lit tutorial today.
In order to teach us how the different stresses on pronunciation can affect an expression, we kept saying I LOVE YOU in class. So sweet uh! And we got to listen to the song Sway several times in 2 different versions to do the scansion. Funnnnn.

I think i'm going to obtain disappointing results for my bio test.
But it's alright, cos it's not the end of the world. And i shouldn't keep harping on that, cos it will make me feel more demoralized right. After all, what has happened already happened, i should make more effort to do better next time instead of thinking how badly i did this time. Hee hee, self motivation! ;)

Btw, i think YJ is so small! I'm meeting friends of friends from primary school. And i just found out joshua lives so near me! What a coincidence uh!

K, i'm off! :)

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