Thursday, August 19, 2010

YOG Tickets

School starts at 7.40am but i woke up at 9am yesterday. Nice (Y)
Only reached school at 10am yesterday missing bio lesson.

We headed to Northpoint today after school to get YOG Hockey Tickets only to find out that tickets for ALL GAMES ARE SOLD OUT for thursdays, fridays and weekends. TSK. Closing ceremony tickets are only available at the Sistic Booth in the Indoor Stadium.

Okay, edited, i managed to find the Ticketing Hotline number online and i dialed it only to find out THAT THE $15 TICKETS FOR THE CLOSING CEREMONY ARE SOLD OUT TOO.

Wtf. What's the point of having gazillion tickets for sale when we can't even purchase them?! Even though today's headlines clearly states that tickets are resold on the day itself, hours before the game, i seriously don't think we can get 4 tickets to watch the games. Like how can it be possible to have 2 ticket holders to one seat, they are only exploiting our money?! They are charging us more than what the equilibrium price and quantity which will lead to a welfare loss later alright!!!

Unless we settle for the non-ticketed events like sailing and triathlon, or we will never get to watch a game. But which insane person will want to squeeze with the other sweaty and probably stinky people and stand under the hot, blazing sun which we might hardly get to see the competitors at all. Although Clarissa thinks the sailers will have hot bods for us to ogle at. HAHAHA.

K i am quite mad. I really want the tickets for at least a YOG game!!!!!!!!!!
Anybody knows of other methods to get those tickets apart from buying them?!?!

Sigh, but on a bright side, I am excused from school tomorrow because i have to go back for another blood test and I am meeting my girls for dinner at Chomp Chomp!!!

Phew, i was exempted from PE today. Everyone in class had to run 3.2km each in preparation for the Cross Country.

Okay, i have decided to try my best for promos (Self deception: probably going to play my way till promos) and if i am lucky enough i will continue with J2. If not, i will leave college and study Dental at NYP after which i will graduate and work to save up before going abroad to study as a mature student in an overseas University. Hopefully, i will become a dentist when i get back to Singapore. I will have no trouble (hopefully) studying dental since Singapore is experiencing a shortage of dentists now, right?
My problem is how to break this news to Mum?

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