Monday, August 16, 2010

If it isn't what i think, wasting my time here

It's 4.10pm on a Monday now. It feels weird to be at home now, at this time of Monday, we are supposed to be having sex talk with Lohser now. HAHA.
I am still on mc today and i get to skip school on friday again because of another blood test.
I am eating Mee Soto flavoured cup noodles now but it doesn't even taste like Mee Soto at all.

Last night, Livia and i were texting each other before we slept. It's amazing how someone else knows the same way i feel.

I seriously think i am only wasting my time in college now. Initially, i thought it was very annoying when people always say they want to go to poly despite being in YJC now. But yes, i feel the same way now. Not that i dislike anything here, it's just that i already know what i want to study and what i aspire to be. I am only wasting my time here i guess. What happens if i screw up A levels. I would be as good as an O Level holder, i can't go anywhere. I always knew i wanted to study something in relation to biomedical stuff. Be it dentistry, biomedical science or nursing, i want to give back something to community. But how now brown cow.
Although i have always thought, since Mummy can afford to pay for Jie's private Uni why can't she do the same for me too. But oh well.
Either way, if i had gone to Poly i would still know Doyle and Livia since we three applied for nearly almost the same courses. Or i would probably be classmates with Vai or Manga again. ♥ ♥ ♥

Sigh. How now.
Think i am going to wait and see my promos results. IF I have to retain, then i will go over Ngee Ann poly and study biomedical science.

Gosh, i miss them like insane.
Please meet up soon guys.

I watched Precious a few weeks' back. It's a good show, you guys should watch it too. That is if you can get through the M18 barrier at the cinemas. HAHA

I want to watch the YOG closing ceremony, tickets are going at $15. Anyone?
Btw, happy birthday Mdm Selvi, Miss Tan and Joey!
PS. I think miss tan looks really pretty in her wedding photos!

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