Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Roti prata + Koi = Food Orgasm


It was Teachers' Day celebration and Cross Country in school today. But i took the day off to see a gynaecologist. Had to pay an extra $30 for a female gynaecologist and she was touching and peering at my vagina.
Wanted to go back to sjc to see the teachers desperately. I miss Mrs Tjan, she still owes Corinne and I a treat to Macs Breakfast and the best Nasi Lemak in Singapore, apparently she claims it's in Changi but i think it's Punggol!!!! I reached compass late and wasn't in time to head back to sjc. Supposedly heard of a last minute 1D/2D gathering at Jalan Kayu. But i already had a dinner date with Clarissa, Livia, Doyle, Chee Sheng at Ikea which was a total fail.

I'm hungry and tired. I feel like eating Roti Prata from Jalan Kayu and drinking Koi now!!
Imagine letting your whole body slough over the seat, placing a portion of the hot, oily roti prata into your mouth. Sink your teeth into it and chew like it's a piece of gum before pushing it down your esophagus. Accompanied with a cup of Koi with half sugar content, it's like having a food orgasm.
Okay, my stomach's growling now. :(

Sigh, i left my laptop at Cathay last Saturday for nearly an hour. I only realised it was missing when i was on the train. Thank goodness, nobody took it away!!
I should attempt to sleep since it's 2am already.

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