Monday, August 23, 2010

Hi, August, I hate you.

How much i miss guides. :(
My cca now sucks big time. All i do is sit in an air-conditioned room for 3-4 hours doing almost NOTHING. I need to be more active, i don't just sit around. All those running about in guides last time..
Yes, ikr. K i shouldn't complain so much since the kids in Bintan don't even attend school at all.

Great, the time now is 12.57am and there's school tomorrow. But i am intending to go to school late, i mean since i have been exempted for PE, there's no use appearing in school tomorrow until after all those breaks right.. Which is about 10.40am, so yeah i think i will appear in school around that time.

Plus Vaigash my dear nurse-y just told me that hospital stay means i get 2 whole months of PE exemption. HAHA My life rocks, NOT.
Fuck, this month, August has been a living hell for me.
I can't tolerate anymore trauma so i seek God, Buddha and Allah and whatever there is to stop throwing shocks and bombs at me because I HAVE HAD ENOUGH.
Gosh, when is August ever going to be over??? But then again, as soon as August is over, PROMOS ARE JUST ROUND THE CORNER. The number of days from today till GP paper is about 26/25 more days?! Fantastic.

Okay back to ranting, my point is after Guy A then it's Guy B now. Like WTF please. Crap, i need some help here guys. But everyone is busy studying/working. SIGH.
Starting of August, i fell really sick and then now all these shit. SERIOUSLY, I NEED TO BREATHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I'm so tired, physically, mentally, emotionally.

On a side note, i love my twitter homepage background. Those cute airplanes, yeah if only life was that simple.

I was online only to do my EoM. At least, i managed to finish the first 2 components. As i am typing this, my eyelids are shutting, yeah i only slept at 1.30am the previous night and i had to crawl my way to school this morning with a really shitty hectic Monday timetable. But my Tuesday timetable is awesome k.

I had fun during Lit tutorial with TSL today though. She and Wallace had a switch for lessons and we role played, did some blocking and analysis of some classmates' expressions. We each brought an item that we think it depicts Catherine's character or what Catherine would most likely have in her bag.

Btw i had a soccer bet with Gireesh and SiYang again last night for Man United VS Fulham. I WANTED TO WIN BADLY. :(
But oh well, no one won in the end. HAHA.

Okay, i should get back to doing my EoM now and go to bed ASAP.

Walao, Ben got into SR la. Unfair. TSK.

K k goodnight world!!

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