Saturday, May 8, 2010

I think it's so cool that i managed to get in touch with one of my kindergarten friends via facebook. Amazingggggggg. And he happens to know Shaun too, what a small world!

Hee hee, my kindergarten photo.
Try spotting me and bff.

Lol, clarice's expression!


K, so clarissa, khatijah, atiqah and i went for cip at yck grassroots club.
We had to look after kids that were fostered away by the ministry in singapore. Clarissa, khatijah and i were in the seniors group which meant the kids were between ages 7-18 and atiqah was in the juniors group so the kids there were between ages 3-6. There was the babies group too, ages 0 to 2.
This cip really made me felt so thankful for having my mum.

Although my family has had some problems (some of you may not, some may not) since i was primary 4, i always knew there were people worser than me out there. And today, i finally got to realized it. The kids there were fostered out because of various reasons like their birth parents sexually abused them and other reasons, that's why they were forced to be fostered. I'm really glad that my mum isn't like that and my dad wasn't like that last time too.
I believe being sexually abused or whatever other reasons is really sad especially when you're just hardly a year old. Moreover, you won't even know what's going on at that age. Being forced to be separated from birth parents for the better or for the worse is really really upsetting. :(
Alright, thank god i forced myself to get up for CIP today. Otherwise, i guess i would never ever get to experience this.

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