Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm feeling so ~ all of a sudden. Very very weird. :/

Hee hee, Desmond bought 4 Chewy Juniors for Clarissa and i yesterday! I'm starting to love chewy juniors too!

I enjoyed PE for the first time in YJ today. FINALLY NO MORE TORTUROUS PE LIKE ARMY OR STH.
Wait, let me show off my napfa resultssssssssssssss. :)
2.4 km run : I don't remember the timing, but i think it's 16minutes. Yeah, i know it's bad but whatever, shut up.
SBJ : 160cm
Sit-ups : 44
Sit and reach : 54
Shuttle run : 11.7 sec
Pull ups : 7
Seeeeeeeeee, i got a silver! Faster applaud for me :D

Only Leon, Nicholas, Gireesh, Clarissa and i went out for lunch at subway today.
I swear i can't have 2 consecutive bites without stopping to laugh when i eat with Leon, Nicholas and Gireesh. It's like BITE.LAUGH.BITE.LAUGH.

Okay, Econs work due tomorrow and a geog and Econs test to study for.
I seriously hope THAT PEANUT will stop picking on the girls from 127, wait more specifically, stop picking on Clarissa and I!

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