Thursday, February 25, 2010

Seriously, omg.
I wish i was back in an all girls' school. I miss the culture there. :(
Anyway, CVD's coming up. I've been busy staying back till 7 plus almost everyday for this week to help with the preparations.
I got out of first aid and got myself into Drama. Not that i can act and all but OH WELL. IT JUST SUCK BALLS LA.
Sometimes, i think life just stinks pretty much for me. I went through so much more than what others have gone through and I hope life would just start treating me better.

Okay great. I have 2 presentations due on monday and it's thursday today and we haven't started on anything yet. Awesome or awesome.

Hee hee, i want to eat Frolicks and look at those pretty girls to relieve stress.

Oh great, it's 1.10am now and there's school tomorrow. Charmaine and i are still facing this life-less screen to finish up our work.

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