Thursday, September 9, 2010

On nights like this, i feel more isolated, distant, alienated.
I'm guilt stricken for i had not studied effectively for the past 2 days.

My bio notes are all laid out on the table in front of me. A neat mess. Dozens of pens spilling out of my pencil case with an uncapped yellow highlighter. Just like props in a play. This computer is just further in front of the neat mess. All an act. Not studying at all.

It's 2am on 10 September 2010. The date 2 days back was nice. 8.9.2010

I am anemic and i have a really stuffy nose.
The iron pills to supposedly make me less breathless, less lethargic and my period to come is clearly not working on me. I have to consume them on a daily basis every morning, i feel so sick. Eek.

Mummy wants me to climb out of bed early tomorrow for Macs breakfast with her.

Meeting my classmates tomorrow for lunch tomorrow. Dinner date with guides clique got canceled. But instead, I just got invited to Sharifah's for Hari Raya tomorrow evening. I love her DSLR!!!

I should really go to bed now.

PS. There's a scar on my left hand from the drip i had during my hospital stay.

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