Saturday, July 17, 2010

I almost had a heart attack yesterday when cheese left my laptop in the poster printing shop!!!!
We actually walked out without it until that goat reminded me!!!!!!
And if there's a Justin Bieber concert, joanne wants me to go with her. NO WAY!!! Waste my money.

Such heavy downpours so early makes me feel so reflective. K it's not exactly EARLY, hahah, it's already 2.30pm. But the more it pours, the better my GPP will be. WOO HOO~ So i spent the past 20 minutes reading Italian Sonnets online, i have never felt so 'devoted' to poems at all. Perhaps miss tan's attempt to sell us poetry has worked or maybe it's just me fearing that she will hurl her constructive insults at me and every lit lesson, deep down in my heart i silently and desperately pray that she won't pick on me.
Despite the sudden interest in poetry, i failed my unseen poetry for lit.. It's so shocking, i have never failed unseen before!!! Or is it just me still having my secondary mentality that it is impossible to fail it..

I feel like i have no social life now. Spending my time away on weekends and friday nights doing homework and studying. Promos is in 61 days!!! But on a bright side, i went shopping alone yesterday after PW at Ion and Wisma. Shopping was productive.

Anyway, i need help for a survey! So if you are online, please talk to me !!

Shaun's example of alliteration: Bishan Brothers

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