Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Okay so HI HI HI.
I've been pretty busy the past few days. I had dance auditions on monday till 8 and i heard there's another one coming up. I hope i can get in!!

On tuesday, Mr Sng released us at 2.10pm to check prices for our CVD planning. Sasha, charmaine, michael, doyle, celine, clarissa and i headed down to plaza sing. And i had dinner with pris dear at j8! I miss you so much babe. Oh oh and i met corinne at j8 too!!

So today, we had sample PW lecture and then plan plan plan for CVD. I hope our stall will be a very very successful one! Halfway during school today, i threw away my lenses cos i had no lens casing and my left eye hurt badly. Clarissa and celine said my eye was swollen very badly. So i had to throw them away and then go about in school half blind. And i managed to train down to town by myself to collect my pay and come home in one piece. :D I didn't fall and i didn't ask any passer by for help okay! Am i smart or smart? Lol.


Sakthi, i, joanne michelle, livia, khatijah!

V day + CNY = Awesome! :D

I'm having a camp at Bintan, Indonesia next month. So excited! Gee, i love camps! I can't wait to be away from home.

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