Sunday, February 14, 2010

CNY day one

As usual, i woke up late so i only left the house at 4pm.
Collected my hong bao from mummy and then we headed off to 2 temples before going off to Resorts World in Sentosa!! I had dinner at this super classy Italian restaurant, Palio! They offered to lend us shawls because it was too cold and they are really friendly. They will smile at you till you see their teeth and you can't see their eyes. (a chinese phrase, if you get it.) Oh oh and they gave me a red rose for valentines!! :)

Okay so yesterday on cny eve, my family received a surprise polite letter from one of my neighbors who chose to remain anonymous, but somehow we managed to figure out who it is. The letter was found stuck on our letter box which meant, everyone living in the same block as me would have seen it. In fact everyone saw both letters because there have been people asking my family about what's going on already.

The letter that we received wrote:

Are you related to vehicle SFS 8445B?
Could you be more civic minded and considerate? Use your handphone if you want to get whoever you want to get down from your flat to your car!! Stop blasting your vehicle's horn!!! It is just a Japanese made car only! It is not rolls royce or similar! There is nothing to be proud of!! We live in a densely populated country. Especially when you live in HDB environment please respect your neighbors and yourself stop contributing to the noise pollution!! For the cny period, i do not want to curse you and your family but for god sake please be respectful to those around you!!!!

And my reply was:
Hey you! If you've the BALLS, you could come and tell us straight instead of doing the "chicken-hearted" way of leaving such a polite letter. For Buddha's sake, learn some manners! Neither does my family wish to curse you! Oh and please learn to write proper english unless you didn't attend school! To avoid noise pollution, perhaps you could live in Choa Chu Kang!

"Are you related to the car?" Yeah right, i'm the car's cousin, the tyre. Dumb ass.
"Be more civic minded" Isn't it supposed to be "be more civil minded?" You pea-sized nut brain. I wonder how did your girls enter Cedar Girls' school and how is your wife actually a teacher when you can't even write proper english??
"For god sake" Dumb ass, it's for GOD'S SAKE. With an 's, you nut!
And what about Japanese made cars?? Don't you own a Japanese car yourself either? You lame shit ball-less freak.
Btw, three quarters of the cars in the car park are Japanese cars and i'm sorry to tell you these that most of them are supporting us because you've just insulted them too and if you didn't realize sooooooooo many people have been horning their cars today. Double nut case idiot.
Oh and everyone who came by our block has complained that our place is WAY TOO QUIET, only you nutcase is complaining that it is noisy. If you wanna live in peace then go live in Choa Chu Kang where you can rest in peace everyday!
Brainless nut.

Okay okay, day two of cny tomorrow!
I'm most probably going to rot at one of my relatives' place tomorrow in sembawang unless one of you want to ask me outtttttttttttt? ;)

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